Gothic New Year!

January 1st, 2011

The turning of the circle and new beginnings or new endings?

As such I need to sort my story out from the GothNoWriMo challenge.

I will also be trying to read a few more horror stories and collecting gothic/dark imagery to help in my writing quests.

End of the Year

December 26th, 2010

It is the end of 2010 and I am quiet happy with what I have achieved in a writing type of way.

But the turning of the year can be a dark time and so offer itself up to the ministrations of the writer. I love starting write just after midnight and on through till the dawn of the new year.

Fantasy Worlds

December 19th, 2010

[Fantasy Worlds]( is another of my WoPoWriMo efforts and brings in some interesting concepts of what fantasy actually is. These can be used in writing, sparking off the horror and darkness of our own world either internal or external.


December 12th, 2010

Christmas can be a fantastic source of material to write dark stories from. All the light and glitz over lays old and ancient ways when things where not so clean and nice. Add in the fact that sometimes the twee little elves look rather sinister anyway.


December 5th, 2010

[Bust]( is a poem I did for the WoPoWriMo challenge and it is full of the sad longing, of pathos, of the things that I feel good gothic novels need. Plus the imagery can be used to write from.

Dark Geometry

November 28th, 2010

[Dark Geometry]( is a poem full of maths and war, wrapped up in human nature. It is perfect for getting you in a dark mood to write.

A Child’s Story

November 21st, 2010

This is a [poem](, with dark elements which could easily be twisted – it came from a game my child was playing. Children are a wonderful source of the macarbe, their games tend to run with blood and guts mainly because they are yet afraid of death and children’s stories tend to be full of good verses bad and the like and even though alot of modern tales are watered down, the children seem to retain at least the feel.

Inspiring Weather

November 14th, 2010

[Inspiring Weather]( is a dark poem about the world really.

Novemeber means the NaNo!

November 7th, 2010

GothNoWriMo for me was a warm up for NaNoWriMo which I competed last year – as in the word goal not the story. The story is still going strong. I am still writing it and I want to finish the novel for this years NaNo.

The story is not horror but a historical scifi with steam punk, cyber punk and post cyber punk elements in it. However there is a lot of darkness and suspense in parts of it. And quiet a few of my Flash Fictions are based in the world of this novel including ones that are definatly horrific in nature.

The Punk will be taking my attention this month – you can read about it all one [Purple Monster](

End of the Month

October 31st, 2010

It is the end of GothNoWriMo and what are my plans?

I think the story I’ve written needs a bit of polishing but that it can go out on this blog in enstallments though I may well try traditional publishing first! As alot of you have probably noticed I don’t do well with the spelling and grammar thing so lots of re-writing and editing is needed for the actual piece.

I will let you now how it is going and continue to post things I think are either horror things I have written – so this blog is acting as an amalgamation site and to post things I think can inspire. My poetry I sort of consider to be both – you are free to think its rubbish and you can even say that in the comments sections on the blogs 🙂

Fed back is always welcome!

I will however be posting weekly for most of the year but hope to take part in GothNoWriMo again next year 🙂

Oh and Happy Halloween!!!! Mwhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha