Gothic Influence
I’m never entirely sure what counts as gothic but I do have a think for old horror movies with vampires and castles and Po’s works are always haunting. I pick up ideas from these pieces of fiction along with things like my visit to Bruge with its ginger bread architecture and churches decorated down to the last cm!
I have a story idea worked out for this sleepy little tourist trap which includes it’s saviours blood and little old lady lace makers, but that is a tail for another time!
I am also married to Alaric King of the Goths and this is where I really become confused – Goths where a group of people seen as barbarians to the Romans but who had their version of care in the community and the like. As far as I can tell there were the original goths who were sort of like French/German Celts from our modern day point of view, then there was the classic gothic period with lots of large stone buildings and the neo-gothic movement which was the same sort of stuff but a bit fancier later on. Though I may have got this all entirely wrong!
Later still where the romantic poets and their writing circles who spawned what we think of as gothic litrature – Dracular, Frankenstien etc… And after that came the pale teenagers in velvet and stripy socks who I may once have been associated with though less than a generation on that was being called emo :/
Then we get into Nu-Goths and Cyber-Goths and six million other types of Goth.
Posted: Sunday, October 3rd, 2010 @ 10:15 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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