Week One Update – Spoogies and What Nots

Well I still do not have my laptop back though it is almost finished apparently – really not liking not having it 🙁 And I basically still have not started writing the novel – this is getting bad now so I will start today.

I have a title The Godex and a vague idea of what the back story at least is going to be about. I am still mulling things over in my head. It is a combination of a project I started with my Dad which was supposed to be a realistic X-files/James Bond type thing, very dry and tongue in cheek. We aborted the project after my husband suggested we read The Luandary series by Charles Stross. He stated this was a stupid thing to do so I’m sort of resurrecting the idea. But it is also pulling itself into the world of my Punk series which is what I tend to write for NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy. I was going to struggle to keep it seperate but felt I should but it was pointed out to me that I’ll only end up merging it in later and in trying to make it seperate will have scuppered certain cool things I could have done with the cross over.

My main issue for keeping it seperate is that everything I do that’s not for kids seems to be sucked into the Punk Canon.

The other thing is that The Punk stories are sci fi even the ones that seem like fantasy are actually scifi and that will be the case if I do a horror element as well. This is a tendency I have though – any story that gets over 60 K will end up being scifi if it is speculative fiction of any sort – I just can’t seem to help it :/

As for the Little Book – I have spent 20 hours wworking on it over the last week and that has seen all the illustration drawn and with the lending of a one slow and slightly broken laptop and lots of help from hubby I have managed to scan and edit the pictures, type set the poems within the images, rendure a PDF and attempt a printable version for stapling together an A5 leaflet type book. So this means that I need to make the webpage for it now, announce it’s arrivial and construct some books,

My 7 year old is very excited about this and has been giving me criticial feedback on the images along with her friends who have been round for play dates. They are all awaiting the Little Book 🙂

Posted: Monday, October 8th, 2012 @ 11:23 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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