Day One and GO!
It is the first day of GothNoWriMo and I still have no idea what my story will be about or even what sort of horror it is going to be if I’m honest! And unfortunatly I still do not have my laptop back due to insurance faff. Because of this I have decided that I will focus on getting the Little Book of Spoogy Poetry ready and begun the illustrations.
I am working with pencil drawing the basic structure of the image and then using felt tip pens and fine liners, there needs to be 20 of them, some themed to the specific peoms and others generic page boarders. From experience I know I need 20 as aposed to 10 which would be one for each poem.
I tend to cover children’s books and my illustration work on Orange Monster.
Posted: Monday, October 1st, 2012 @ 11:17 am
Categories: Uncategorized.
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