Godex – Chapter 17

Emma awoke with a headache the size of a small planet, it thumped and pulsed and flashed steely knives, she groaned or at least her body tried too, a rasp of air was all that escaped. Her throat felt raw. It tasted worse. Her eyes were filming but a couple of gritty blinks and she could see again. She wished she couldn’t her head was so bad.

‘Ahhhh the patieeent iss awake!’ came the strange silibance that haunted her dreams on stormy nights.

She tried to say Master, but it came out as a strangeled gurgle. ‘Doo not tryyy to talk yet, here is waaater.’ water was expertly fed to her, it was a releif her throat felt too big like it was crushing itself from the outside. With his help she sat up, the pressure of the headache made her want to vomit. ‘Heead ache?’ he asked. She nodded and then regretted it. She felt a cool spray on her neck and then the pull of an injection, a tiny thing unlike the monster she recoglected through the stupors of uncouncousness.

The pain began to recede, faster and better and more completely than anything she’d ever taken prescription or over the counter. ‘wha wa tha?’ evidently her throat still needed some soothing though she couldn’t feel the pain of it anymore.

‘It’s somethiiing I’veee beeen workingggg on! You like it?’ He was she realised smiling at her. His mouth was full of pointed teeth, just subtly different from a normal persons, he would almost fit in, almost.

She cricked her neck it made a statifying bang ‘it’s good she said,’ trying not to be amused at his look of horror. ‘But was that really necassary? I have lots of stuff to do and I don’t want the stupid treatments anyway!’ She was annoyed to realise she was actually balling her fists.

‘Whaat doo you thiink theeey are for?’ he asked mildly.

‘I don’t know, I’m some ginue pig in your exilia of life trails?’ It came out very harsh, he looked saddly down at her and stepped away.

‘Elixa of liffffe, eternal youth, liffffe everlasting, alwaysss an obsessiooon but not in the way you thinnnk.’ He shrugged. ‘Do you rememmmber how I fouuund youuu?’

‘Not really’ she confessed.


‘It was a diving accident wasn’t it? I was on location, I’d found a site and.. ‘ she screwed her forehead in concentration, ‘there were fossils… I had submitted a paper on the area it suggested people had existed for longer than thought. It was all wrong though. You said you’d explain it all but you never have and I… I can’t remember.’

‘Youu are bright annnd unluckyyy, weee saw your draft paper but sooo diiid otherrss, by the time we got there youuu were floating in the caave brain dead, in aaa pluume of bloood. Thee site waas smasssshed.’ A dark sorrow etched itself into his face, she felt a chill in her stomache. ‘I rescuuued whaat I coould from the situuatiooooon. You.’

‘I am greatful but I don’t want to live for ever!’ she snapped in exasperation, she’d been dead? How was she here then? She knew they had resources but surely not that type of advanced medicine.

He sighed, ‘It was the only way to save you and the prooocess musst be completed, it isss alssso not lifffe everlasting’

‘What happens if it’s not completed?’ she asked a sudden coldness in her stomache.

‘Youuu start rejecttting thee bitsss of your braiin we had too grow back’ he said.

‘Oh’ She shivered and relised her mouth was still in the comical goldfish shape.

‘Nooow this Pete? Is he to be trussted?’ he asked out of the blue

‘There is a mole, but I think he is sweet, he is not the sort of man to destroy his own carefully amassed work.’ she puased and then glared at him.

He actually flushed slightly pink under the strange fatty skin of his. It was wrinkled but is was like someone had pushed a slightly molten pat of butter around. Ripples was more the word she decided.

‘I thought it wouuuld bee prudent to find whyyy you’d come here, I knowww you haate it’ he shrugged and wandered over to the infernal coffee machine. ‘We should disguess in the tank – youuu neeed a bouncy treeatment anyyway.’ He began stripping, she never could get used to this, but she removed the hospital gown she hadn’t realised she was wearing.

Mugs in hand they climbed the steps at the edge of the tank, it was not swimming pool water, is was salty and plants grew in the depths, little fishes came to nibble at them, she was about to comment on it being a giant fish spar but throught better of it. She felt very aware of the fact she was naked, in a pool with a man with webbed fingers. What was he? She knew it was connected to the site she had found but the whole thing was hazy, most of her notes and things had disappeared also and the journal mysteriously had lost her draft she’d sent them.

Her breasts were oddly boyant in the water, she found she was curious as to weather he had human genitial, this was not the first time she’d found herself in one of these tanks with him either, prudish britishness always got the better of her when she actually had a chance to find out.

He sipped his coffee, ‘aahhh,’ he murmured and placed it on the side of the tank, then he flipped himself over and under the surface with bearly a ripple. She wondered at this she’d been in the desert with him for weeks and he seemed ok, but any chance he got he was in the water.

‘The residuee isss how you feared,’ he said as his head popped above the water line, she noticed his nostrils slites closed off whilst he was in the water. ‘Thisss makesss thingsss bad.’

She nodded, ‘I suspect the old professor knows more than he is saying,’ she said.

‘Professor Atkin? He may dooo, I know him, he had to be resued once. He is not a muuuurderer though, he willll kill but nooot a muuurderer.’ She nodded.

‘The misssing girlsss are being used to feeed something, I think I knowww what buuut it can not beee. Anndd blood is bad news, it will make it ssssick’ she waited but he was not going to tell her what the something was. ‘This Christine? She had tech on her?’

Emma nodded ‘but not her phone and latitude will only work if her computer gets opened up or switched on, you know the drill.’ He flared his nostrils in affirmation.

‘I have a device for you, that wiiiill help with that,’ She sat up on her ledge in excitement barely concous of exposing herself.

‘You do?’

He nodded, ‘Nooow is theere anyyything you need to telll me?’

She sighed, ‘Balinda seems to be loosing it’ she said tentitively half expecting him to errupt.

‘Ah yes B she is cracking, my treatmentssss are starrtinng to fail,’ he looked away from her and an easy image of exactly what he and Balinda were appeared in her mind. ‘But sooon, hopefullly sooon I will perfect the stem cell treatment ssshe neeeds, until then be kind.’

‘The ceiling over the esculators is also cracking.’ she said.

His eyes went even wider than normal. ‘is water dripping?’ she nodded, he swore and began shouting orders at minions in the lab beyound. Once that was done he ordered her to swim and quietly drank his coffee.

Posted: Friday, November 23rd, 2012 @ 5:00 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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