NaNo Fail

Yep I failed to make my word count of 90, 000 but I did make it over the 75 K mark which I consider to be fantastic and then some!

I also basically now have 2/3rds of a novel that needs re-writing and editing into shape (plus some research and the sorting out of who is actually called what and slight issues over hair changing colour etc). I would love to say I will do this in December and that I will take part in Novel Finishing Month NoFiMo but I always find Christmassy stuff gets in the way to be honest and this year there are two weddings to attend and many other things too!

My plan is more that I will slowly write the end of the story, finishs off the first on from GothNoWriMo too and then to start the third one. I will not be putting anymore unedited extracts out on here as the story has gotten away from me I feel I need to change too much stuff for it to be fair on readers plus the spelling is worse than usual due to sprint writing!

I will put all the notes up however as I’ve already started doing 🙂 I may even get around to doing some cover art and what have you but we will just have to wait and see how it goes 🙂

Posted: Friday, November 30th, 2012 @ 5:12 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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