Flash Fiction Frenzy and Picture Book Madness

Ok so I know everybody is waiting for more Godex and there is a lot more to come 🙂 It is all sitting there ready in it’s raw form for you all. But this month sees the second ever Flash Fiction day and as today marks the end of an insane week of me writing children’s manuscripts I thought I would write 30 pieces of Flash Fiction for this month. They are not all going to be horror or gothic and they aren’t even going to be based on what I am doing with the Punk World building but some of them will be so I thought I would mention it.

Also I will be continuing on with sorting out more of my children’s books and bringing them to completion. To follow these challenges go to Orange Monster for Kid Lit and my illustrations/book art and Megenta Monster for my Flash and Micro Fiction.

Posted: Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 @ 10:05 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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